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All animals that eat plants (or other living thing that produces its own food)

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Q: What animals are 1st order heterotrophs?
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What animals are 2nd order heterotrophs?

All animals who eat 1st order heterotrophs.

What groups of animals are heterotrophs?

Virtually all animals are heterotrophs (i.e. animals that eat things for nourishment).

Is a scorpion a heterotroph?

Scorpions are animals and all animals are heterotrophs so yes, scorpions are heterotrophs.

Which feeding realtionship do second-order heterotrophs have in common?

The feeding relationship that the second-order heterotrophs have in common is that they eat insects, first-order heterotrophs, and also plants.

Which is true of animals?

they are heterotrophs

What is the answer for eats other heterotrophs?

Heterotrophs are living things that have to eat other living things to survive. That would be an animal, since plants make their own food.Heterotrophs that eat other heterotrophs would be animals that eat other animals. Heterotrophs that eat only other heterotrophs would be a carnivore. If the heterotroph eats both heterotrophs (animals) and autotrophs (plants), that would describe an omnivore.

What includes heterotrophs?

Animals and fungi.

Which is true of all animals?

they are heterotrophs

Are Echinodermata heterotrophs?

Yes, they are animals!!

Are echinoderms heterotrophs or autotrophs?

Echinoderms, like all animals, are heterotrophs and need to eat food to survive.

Where are multicellur heterotrophs located?

Multicellular heterotrophs are located everywhere in the world. All animals and humans are multicellular heterotrophs and can be found on land and in the ocean.

What are heterotrophs that eat animals called?
