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Fairy penguins dive for, small marine animals. Squid and fish are high on their menu.

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Q: What animals are in the Fairy Penguin's food web?
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Why is a food web is called a food web?

It is called a food web because the other animals eat other animals, plants, and fishes!

How is the sun important to the oceans food web?

it is important to the ocean's food web because some living animals in the food web get energy from sunlight and if there is no sunlight some animals will die and this will make the food web collapse

What information can you get from a food web?

From a food web you can see which animals eat others, it is a lot like a food CHAIN but a web shows lots more animals, and can be more complicated.

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Pesticides are cumulative, so the animals at the end of the food web have more of them.

What is a food web made of?

a food web is a spiders web full of food in which animals from all around come to feed from

How are animals connected in the food chain?

a food web

What is a difference between a food chain and a food web?

the difference is that a food chain is smaller then a food web because a food web is more animals then a food chain

Is a penguin a producer consumer or decomposer?

The plants (producers) are needed by consumers who feed by grazing or filter-feeding. Examples include snails, urchins and corals. These consumers in turn will be eaten by other animals such as sea stars. At the top of the food web, there are larger animals (consumers) such as fish, penguins, seals and whales.

Which process do the animals in the food web use to convert energy from food into ATP?

Cellular respiration is the process the animals in the food web use to convert energy from food into ATP.

How is a food web different from a food pyramid?

a food web shows what animals eat others. a energy pyramid shows all animals that eat the same thing.

What happens usually to small animals in food chain or food web?

they get eaten by bigger animals.

What happen to small animals in food web or food chain?

they get eaten up by bigger animals