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There are many animals that are cannibals some that i could think of are Black widow Spiders, chimpanzees, lions, and some humans

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Q: What animals are known to be cannibals?
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Are ninjas cannibals?

Ninjas are/were NOT considered to be cannibals. Ninjas were known to be stealthy and fast. Eating people is neither.

What are animals that eat other animals called?

Carnivorous, or if they're the same species, they are cannibals.

Are there any cannibals in the ocean?

There are several fish species who are known to prey on smaller individuals of their own species, which makes them cannibals.

What are animals that eat other animals calle?

If they eat a different species - they are carnivores. If they eat the same species - they are cannibals.

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they become cannibals and eat each other.....=]

What are the other types of animals other than herbivores?

cannibals, carnivores,herbivores,omnivores,Detritivores,and scavengers

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animals, channels, pannels, randals, sandals, handles, handals, candles

Were Mayas cannibals?

Were the mayans cannibals?

What is a animal that eat their same species to reproduce?

Such animals are known as sexual cannibals. Actually the don't eat to reproduce but the female may eat the male during mating. Examples are preying mantises and Black Widow Spiders.

Do powerful owls eat bibys?

By bibys do you mean babies? If so,,,, no owls are not known to be cannibals.

Do humans eat more then animals?

eating people is fun and delicious i would do it all the time but yes there are cannibals