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There are three types of mussels: Gastropoda(snails and slugs) bivalve(oysters and clams) and Cephalopoda(octopuses and squid). All are in the same phylum, so technically they're all related.

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Q: What animals are related to octopuses?
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Are octopuses warmblooded animals?

no ! they are amphibians.

What animals eat octopi?

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What sea animals have tentacles?

Octopuses, squids, and cuttlefishes are some.

Do octopuses sleep at night?

Like most animals, octopuses do sleep at night. They, however, don't close their eyes because they have no eyelids.

Does an octopus live underwater?

Octopuses are marine animals that live in the sea.

Are octopuses endangered animals?

Not entirely. But they might become endangered soon.

What makes octopuses different from other animals?

uhm they have 8 legs.. and most animals have 4, or 2

Do octopuses attack large animals?

yes but not that much only in self-defense.

What animals with eight legs?

harvestmen, scorpions, spiders, mites, ticks, and octopuses