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Premarin is a contraction for Pregnant Mare's Urine. It is used to treat menopausal symptoms in women, and is manufactured by Wyeth Pharmaceuticals (part of Pfizer since January 2009).

Harvested for their urine, the horses suffer terribly for the production of this drug. They are kept continually pregnant in stalls too small for them to even turn around in order for their urine to be collected by dirty, bulky tubing attached to their bodies. When they can no longer reproduce quickly they are sent to the slaughterhouse. Their meat is then sold for human consumption or dog food.

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What is the medication premarin used for?

Hormone replacement--in menopause or after a hysterectomy

If you dispense a prescription for a drug called Premarin the patient would probably be a(n)?

Premarin is used by women experiencing the menopause.

What are the contraindications with premarin?

Well. I never used it, and never will. It is made with urine from pregnant mares. Andthose, are horses. It is very curl what they do. PLEASE LOOK At THIS LINK

How did Premarin get its name?

Premarin is short for: pregnant mare's urine. It consists of estrogen isolated from mare's urine and is used for hormone replacement therapy for menopausal women.

Does premarin affect depo provera?

There are no known drug interactions between Premarin and Depo Provera. Sometimes estrogen is used temporarily to control the irregular bleeding from Depo Provera.

What chemical group does premarin belong to?

Premarin belongs to the group of chemicals known as conjugated estrogens, which are derived from the urine of pregnant mares. These compounds mimic the actions of natural estrogens in the body.

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