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First off do not use newspaper. The ink on the paper can be toxic. Use used paper bags. The ones you get from the grocery store. Then you can use wood shavings for bedding.

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you cannot put another animal in a guinea pigs cage or else it is bye bye guinea pig see you in heaven

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Q: What animals can you put in a cage with a guinea pig cage?
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How do you stop guinea pig fights?

Calmly put your hand underneath one of the piggy's chest and pull him away and put him in the cage and let him cool off. Take the other one and put it in another cage.

Can you heal a guinea pig alone?

I would not recommend you to heal a guinea pig at home. You should bring your guinea pig to a local animal hospital. Healing a guinea pig alone can cause germs going into the guinea pig. That can be harmful for your pet.

How do you clean a guinea pig cage?

First find a safe place to put your guinea pig where it can't get into anything bad. Then take the cage and empty the bedding out and wash the empty cage with a hose. After that you should dry it with a clean towel, then clean out the food bowl with water, put fresh bedding and fresh food in it and you are done! (make sure u do this once a week)First you take the guinea pig out and place it in a safe area and make sure someone is watching it. Then take out top of cage. Remove everything inside of cage and spray down with 1/2 of vinegar and 1/2 of water. Spray down toys and food bowls and anything else in the cage. Put in new bedding and put in new food and replace anything else in the cage. Put the guinea pig in and your done. Do this weekly. And make sure you take out bedding where your pet has done it's business daily and replace it with fresh bedding.

Why can the male guinea pig not go with the female guinea pig?

Because the male and female guinea pig would breed constantly and you would have a major explosion in the population of guinea pigs within a few months. Also, male guinea pigs can be fairly territorial and have sometimes been known to eat the offspring if there isn't enough room in the cage for all of them.

How much is a guinea pig and all of it's supplies?

well i got a guinea pig not to long ago and it cost me a little bit over $100.00 for a cage the food a couple of chews and the water and food bowls and bottle the shreds you put in your cage and the guinea pig it may be more because i missed a couple of things

Related questions

Your guinea pig fell what do you do?

put him back in his cage.

Can you put a female guinea pig with a female hamster Or a male guinea pig with a female hamster?

you shoudl not put a hamster and a guinea pig in the same cage no matter what.

What happens if you put a wild squirrel in a guinea pig's cage?

an animal may die if you do that. probably the guinea pig. :(

Is it safe to put baking soda in a guinea pig cage?


Is a wheel good to put in a guinea pig cage?


What animal can you put in the same cage with a guinea pig?

you could put another guinea pig or they would probably get alond with hamsters or bunnies

If one guinea pig is sick in cage are the rest sick?

not necessarily; if you leave one guinea pig in the cage with the sick guinea pig, the guinea pig that is not sick can get sick; you should separate them just to be safe but if the guinea pigs start to get lonely, put them back together

What do you put a guinea pig in when it goes outside?

u put it in a moveable cage

Can you put ceder shavings in a guinea pig cage?

yes,but it will affect the guinea pig (other shavings besides ceder are better for them)

Do they have to be the same sex the rabbit and the guinea pig to put in same cage?

Yes, if they are neutered. Some people do this and the animals groom one another.

How do you clean a guinea pig without letting it out of the cage?

Simply put, you don't. You can put the guinea pig in another cage in the meantime though, or hand it to someone for a cuddle.

Can you put a guinea pig cage on a table?

because you are so dumb to know