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Q: What animals compete for the same food as Deer?
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What animals compete with squirrels?

Two animals that compete with squirrels are rats and mice. They often live in the same areas and compete for food.

What do animals compete for in the antarctic?

The same as everywhere else, mates, food, territory.

When members of a species compete what do they compete for?

they compete so they can suvive and reproduce

What animals do sharks compete with for food or space?

Probably other sharks of the same and different species. They will either compete for mates or fish.

Does a stingray have to compete for food?

It eats other animals, therefore there must be something else which eats the same. So they probably will have to compete.

Is there an animal that competes with a cheetah for the same food?

Lions and leopards compete with the cheetah for many of the same prey animals.

Different species of carnivorous animals that share the same habitat in an ecosystem may?

compete for food

Why do animals compete and cooperate?

They compete and cooperate because they need to stay in the same terriotary.

When the members of species compete what do they compete for?

Usually animals of the same species compete for mates { two males usually compete over one female.} Animals could compete over prey or vegetation too.

What do lions and hyenas compete for?

Hyenas and lions compete over prey. Both animals hunt the same types of ungulates. They also fight over carcasses, and sometimes attempt to steal kills from each other.

Can an omnivore and a carnivore be in the same food chain?

Yes. They might compete for the same food source, or have different cources arising from the same root, or be consumers of one another.

Is elk and deer the same thing?

No they are different animals.