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Any animal that eats soil would be a good start. Worms, as small animals, are one example. Also, any animals that need underground borrows would need dirt to dig in. Hamsters, Badgers, Moles, Mice, and Prairie Dogs are some examples of Dirt dwelling creatures.

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Q: What animals depend on soil for a home?
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Why is soil a valuable?

Plants depend on soil to live and grow, Humans & Animals depend on those plants.

Why do animals including meat eaters depend on soil?

Certain animals, like cows, fertilize with feces which enriches the soil.

How is soil useful for living things?

1.helps in weather changes is a home for many animals 3.we depend indirectly on it for food

Why land animals including meat eaters depend on soil?

Plants need soil to grow. Animals either eat plants, or eat animals that ate plants. No soil, no food.

What does soil depend on?

The soil depend on the vegetations.

How do plants and animals depend upon each other?

Lifecycle on the earth is interdependent. 1) plants get nutrient elements from the soil. 2) herbivores animals eat this plants. 3) carnivores animals depend on herbivores for food. 4) when the carnivores dies the body gets decomposed in soil IN this way they are interrelated

Why do land animals even meat eater depend on soil to survive?

because it needs the oxygen and the nutrients to live

How do plants and animals get nitrogen if not the atmosphere?

if not from the atmosphere , they must depend on a process called nitrogen fixation. They get it from the soil. That's why farmers add fertilizer to the soil to increase nitrogen content

Why is wool depended on soil?

Plants are grown in soil, sheep eat the plants, we use the sheep's wool to make the sweater.

What soil is the best for animals to live in?

the best soil for animals to live in is the sandy soil

How do plants and animals get nitrogen if not from the atmosphere?

if not from the atmosphere , they must depend on a process called nitrogen fixation. They get it from the soil. That's why farmers add fertilizer to the soil to increase nitrogen content

Do animals that eat other animals depend on plants?

Yes. Animals that eat other animals depend on herbivores for food, which in turn depend on plants.