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Q: What animals did cowboys drive from Texas to Kansas?
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What animals did cowboys drive from Texas to the railroads in kansas?


Who drove the cattle on the Chisholm trail?

In the late 1800s the Chisolm trail was used to drive cattle by cowboys. The cowboys originated in Texas and drove the cattle to Kansas to be sold.

Why did cowboys drive their cattle north from Texas along the Chisholm Trail?

Cowboys took cattle up to Kansas from Texas because they could get a better price for their cattle. They used the Chisolm Trail to avoid passing through areas where it was illegal or dangerous to bring Texas Longhorns, who were known to carry ticks harmful to other cattle breeds.

Who settled in Texas where some helped drive cattle to the north?


What was the destin of the first Texas cattle drive?

Abilene, Kansas

What was the destination of the first Texas cattle drive?

Abilene, Kansas

How long does it take to drive from Texas to Kansas?

74 hours

How long does it take to drive to Kansas from Texas?

You can drive across the Oklahoma Panhandle in about 40 minutes.

How long to drive from Wichita Kansas to dallas Texas?

It is about 6 hours!

How long is the drive from Kansas City to Dallas Texas?

8 hours

The herding of cattle from Texas to railroad centers to the north was given the name?

The herding of cattle from Texas to railroad centers to the north was called a cattle drive. Cattle drives took many months to complete. Some of the cowboys would drive the cattle to Kansas and not want to go back to the ranch after being paid. Then ranchers would have to hire more hands the next cattle drive season.

What is a long journey taken by cowboys to herd their cattle?

Texas to Kansas City would have been a typical cattle drive. It took several weeks since they could only move 5-10 miles a day. If problems developed during the drive it could take longer.