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they can ride cammel and horses

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Q: What animals do Egyptian people ride in Egypt?
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Did rich or poor people ride Egyptian boats in ancient Egypt?

Rich because Cleo Petra rode a boat hope it helps :-)

Where were ancient Egyptian civilizations located?

In Egypt. We learnt it in art school when we were learning to ride elephants.

What transport would you use in the Egyptian times?

In ancient Egypt they used to use donkeys,camals and other strong animals. They obviously used boats to cross rivers. They also use horses. In modern Egypt, tourists can ride camals if they pay but camals are not used as a transportation so much. Egypt has cars and buses just like in the U.S.A. and other places around the world

What is Egypt nationol sport?

The Egyptian national sport is Camel Racing, where you either ride a 1or2 hump camel the quickest for 3weeks. Only living of Nesquik.

What adaptations does the animals in Egypt have?

well adaptation for animals in Egypt are different. mostly there are camals there that the people ride. for example lets say you wanted to know about he adaptation for a polar bear. thats easy because polar bears adapt to cold weather because without the cold weather they would be extinct. in Egypt its hot there that means the animals adapt to hot weather that were there use to be. Sentences Polar bears and other animals adapt to different climates that they should be in. some animals have different adaption in how they go and wha kind of animal it is.

Do most people in Egypt ride public transportation?

Yes, most people do but some own a car of there own.

Who can ride in back of pickup?

Animals and such but no people unless you are in a rural area.

What animals can people ride?

Horses, donkeys, mules, elephants and camels.

Did ancient Egyptian have camels?

Camels were mainly in the area of Mesopotamia (modern Iran and Iraq) and were domesticated by the Arab tribes of that region. The ancient Egyptians did not use camels, although some wild ones lived in the desert areas surrounding Egypt. Domesticated camels were brought to Egypt by the invading Moslem armies in 639 BC, when ancient Egyptian culture was practically at an end.

How do you ride animals on minecraft?

You can ride pigs with saddles. Their movement can be controlled with a carrot on a stick

Do people in Australia ride kangaroos?

No, people do not ride kangaroos in Australia, for several reasons.Kangaroos are protected native animals. It would be illegal to ride one.Kangaroos are unable to carry the weight of people, including children.No person would be able to stay on a kangaroo with the extreme hopping motion of the animal.

What do they use in Egypt for movement?

they use camels to ride