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Q: What animals do the SPCA Singapore save?
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What is the theory of the SPCA?

To save animals from abuse.

Why is the SPCA important?

We have the SPCA to save all of the animals being abused an that are cruelly treated in puppymills .

Is there an SPCA in Singapore?

Yes. Please follow the link provided

How do you help save animals?

1. Bring Food & Supplies to the SPCA. 2. Make posters saying "HELP THE ANIMALS" out by your house. 3. If someone you know is abusing animals get them to "STOP!"

What do the letters SPCA stand for?

It stands for The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

What is a good charity that you do one time to help save abused animals?

Probably wspca or spca or you can search animal welfare on google.

How many animals does the SPCA kill?

Not every SPCA kills animals!!!! I work at an SPCA where we have the lowest euthanazia rate in Canada... and a close runner up to North Shore Animal Rescue League. Certain shelters euthanize simply because they dont know how to run their shelters. It also depends on where you live, how many animals are being surrendered everyday... and how supportive the community is. I would like to know if you send Animals to the veterinarian to have animals put down? The SPCA in St.John's Newfoundland DOES send animals to the vet to be destroyed. The SPCA does not destroy animals but they do send animals off to the vet to be destroyed. Right now in St.John's Newfoundland the SPCA has been responsible for trapping animals at a local dump site where these animals would have been better off and some of the cats that were on the dump would still be alive today if the SPCA had not removed these animals. The SPCA needs to remember that most of these animals belong in the wild. If animals are not adopted within a period of time the SPCA will have these animals destroyed. I had a cat by the name of Snap brought into the SPCA in St.John's Newfoundland and the SPCA sent him to the vet to be destroyed, so I am sick of seeing people from the SPCA claiming they don't put animals down because the SPCA does put animals down. I will never donate to the SPCA again and I am rallying with other people on the internet to protest against the SPCA to get the message out not to support the SPCA. The SPCA uses donated funds to destroy animals.

What does it SPCA people do?

The SPCA is the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. They basically protect animals who are being abused or neglected and find better homes for them.

When was the spca founded and by whom?

It was founded in England 1824 and was founded by SPCA

How many pets are abandoned every year in Singapore?

Each year, some 300,000 dogs and cats are abandoned in Italy's streets or parks The Singapore Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) reported that it took in 3,002 dogs, 4,716 cats and 1,314 domestic small animals (rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, etc) in 2007, which add up to an alarming figure of 9,487 animals

How many dogs are saved by the RSPCA every year?

um, are you aware that the SPCA helps animals...not kids. and they save thousands and thousands of animals each year.

What happens to animals that get abused?

The animals go to the SPCA and get sent to an adoption center after they get better.