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Just about all of them. Humans have terrible hearing. Bats, Fish and lower level species of animals are about the only things I can think of. However, bats use echolocation to make up for their bad hearing and fish use a lateral line system to detect danger.

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owls and nocternal animals

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Owls, racoons etc.

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Q: What animals do you hear most during the night?
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Animals that sleep during the day and are active at night?

An animal that sleeps during the day and is active at night is called nocturnal. Examples include most rodents, most bats, and the big cats. An animal that is most active around dawn or dusk is crepuscular.

What are animals called that only eat during the day?

Animals that are only active during the day are called diurnal.Animals that are most active at night are nocturnal.

What animals can hear sounds with too high a frequency for humans to hear?

Most animals can, but dogs can definitely hear them.

When do Arctic foxes sleep?

A desert fox, and most all desert animals, sleep during the day, and hunt at night, because it is cooler at night.

Do all animals hear the same frequencies of sound as human do?

Some animals can hear higher frequencies than humans can. This is why animals can hear things like dog whistles, and we can't hear them. In all, animals can hear differently than humans in the way that they can hear more. Some animals can hear lower frequencies than humans can. Elephants can hear much lower frequencies than humans.

Why do most living animals have ears?

So that they can hear...

Can animals hear primary waves?

it is proven that most animals can hear waves through earthquakes. but humans can just feel the "bump".

Do people see wolves during the day?

They sleep mainly during the day and hunt for animals at night while they're sleeping.

What kind of sounds do you hear on bonfire night?

The crackling of a fire is the most prominent sound you will hear on bonfire night. You will also hear talking between those at the bonfire.

Why do night time animals come out at night?

Some factors influencing an animal's adaptation to a nocturnal lifestyle include temperature and predation. Firstly, in hot areas, animals may choose to come out at night to avoid strong heat from the sun during the day and to minimize water lost through sweating and evapouration (especially in dry climates). Secondly, animals may choose to come out at night in order to evade predators that hunt under daylight. Also, in special cases, animals could be nocturnal because the food that they eat are most abundantly available at night.

What is the advantages of diurnal animals?

A lot of Animals who are active during the day have different adaptations depending on their environment - e.g Animals in hotter climates will have thinner fur and instinctively go into the shade when it is hot (this lowers their body temperature) while animals in colder climates will have thicker furs and body fat as well as a large surface area to keep warmer

Are owls nocturnal or diurnal?

Eagles are diurnal, meaning they are most active during the day and sleep at night, like humans.