

What animals eat gum trees?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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10y ago

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No animal eats gum trees.

Koalas eat gum leaves and flowers, as do Ringtail possums and greater gliders, whilst wombats will sometimes eat the leaves and shoots around the base of very young trees. Possums and gliders will eat nectar-laden flowers, as will many species of parrots and honeyeaters.

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Q: What animals eat gum trees?
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Various insects will eat the bark and sapofgum trees. Koalas and Greater Gliderseat gum leaves and flowers, whilst wombats will sometimes eat the leaves and shoots around the base of very young trees. Possums and gliders will eat nectar-laden flowers, as will many species of parrots and honeyeaters.

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Koalas like gum trees because they eat gum leaves to get nutrients from the leaves they also get water from the leaves as well so there you go! signed Dummy.