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Barn animals such as horses, pigs, etc.

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Q: What animals eat out of a eating trough?
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What is an eating trough?

Usually a long container for food which allows several animals to eat from it at once.

A big long container that animals eat from?


What is carnivores herbivores and omnivores?

Herbivores are plant eating animals Carnivores are meat eating animals Omnivores are meat and plant eating animals

What are meat-eating animals that hunt and eat other animals called?

Meat-eating animals that hunt and eat other animals are called carnivores.

Do fish eating oats do just as well as fish eating fish food?

Yes.have you ever put a fish in a water trough to eat the algie but they also eat the oats that the horses eat.

Animals get what from eating other animals?

they get meat to eat

What is food trough for animals?

it is a manger, a food trough for animals is a manger

How do you get the animals on sims African animals?

The animals automatically come to you. Plant-eating animals come if you have enough plant and grasses for them. The meat-eating animals come to you also. But only if you have enough food for them. (Warning, meat-eating animals only eat animals that eat plants.)

What is eating the animals?

Its when you eat animals! humans are the top of the food chain!

How is the energy of the sun transferred through a food web?

The sun allow plants to photosynthesis which is to make food and grow. The plants eating animals will eat them and then the meat eating animals will eat animals. Then us humans will eat the animals and plants.

Are Carnivores animals that eat other animals?

Yes, carnivores are animals that can eat other animals. Any meat-eating animal is a carnivore.

How can you stop your dog from eating small animals?

Let him eat large animals.