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The animals from the pond that are detritivores are ones that eat dead organisms. Some of the common detritivores include flatworms, snails and water lice among others.

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Q: What animals from the pond are detritivores?
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How many different animals are detritivores?

Hundreds, way too many to list here.

Are snakes detritivores?

No: they are predators and scavengers, but not detritivores.

What do pond animals eat?

Pond animals eat many things including insects, plants, and other animals

What eats detritivores?

Earthworms, flatworms, water lice, some fish, termites, and crabs are detritivores that eat dead and decomposing organic material. Any animal, or consumer, that eats insects can eat them. This includes birds, most bears, frogs, and any other consumer eats other animals.

What pond animals eat plants?

Pond People..

Does protozoa provide food for pond animals?

Yes, eaten 'live' or consumed as part of the detritus on the pond floor, the protozoa do provide nutrition for pond animals directly or indirectly by nourishing plants that pond animals feed from.