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no they cant have blood types

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Q: What animals have a positve o positve blood type?
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Can type a positive and a type b negative have o positive child?

No. For two reasons: an "A" and an "O" can never produce "B," and positve blood types will never yield a negative one.

Can type a POSITIVE mother and o positive father have a b NEGATIVE child?

No. For two reasons: an "A" and an "O" can never produce "B," and positve blood types will never yield a negative one.

List some positive blood type that a person can have.?

this doesnt effect personality but you can have O positive, A positive, B positive, and AB positive. so all blood types can be positve. rh positive which is synthetic blood.

What can a person with type B blood receive?

a person with O+/- blood can only receive O+/- blood respectively. O+ can give blood to any other + blood type, and O- can give blood to anyone.

Can you mix type a- blood with type o plus blood?

Can you mix type a blood with type o+

Can 2 type o blood types have a blood type a child?

Parents of blood type O can only have children with blood type O. Because type O is recessive, you know that the parents are homozygous O.

What does O positive blood mean?

Blood of animals contaion a factor known as Rh factor which was first discovered in Rehsus monkey, so name Rh and if it is present blood is called Rh+ of positive and if not then Rh-ve or negative simply.....

If both parents have O-blood type what will the child have?

Blood type: O

Are people with blood type O can be considered blood type universal recipient?

Yes, blood type "O" is considered universal recipient. Blood type "AB" can not donate too someone with blood type O can donate blood too a person with blood type O.

Can a baby be born with blood type o if the father is blood type o and the mother blood type a?

Yes. The father's blood type must be oo. The mother's blood type could either be Ao or AA (both of these are blood type A). If the mothers blood type is Ao, she could give the o gene to the baby, resulting in the baby being type oo (or type o). (In order to have blood type o, you must have an o from your mother and an o from your father.)

Is type O blood can be a donnor for a person with type B blood?

Type O blood is considered the universal blood donation type. Someone with type O blood can donate their blood to anyone of any blood type. So yes, your mother could definitely benefit from your blood if you were to donate it to her.

Can blood type A give to blood type o?

No even though Rh factors are same (negatives), O- can't receive A- blood since blood type O has antibodies for type A and B blood which will reject the blood if it is to be injected in.