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Q: What animals have the four basic characteristics of chordates plus a vertebral column?
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Related questions

Do all vertebrates have vertebral column?

yes, all vertebrates and chordates have a vertebral column

What is the opposite of chordata?

The opposite of chordata is invertebrates. Invertebrates are animals without a backbone, whereas chordates are animals with a notochord or vertebral column.

What is a trait that is ancestral to all chordates?

A vertebral column. (a back bone)

What organisms are vertebrate?

Chordates which possess vertebral column are called vertebrates .

Difference between chordates and vertebrates?

humans are vertebrates as hey have the vertebral column(to be more specific the notochord). u can feel your vertebral column by placing your hand on your back.the bony structure that seems to divide your back into two equal halves is nothing but your vertebral column.

Are chordates eukaryote?

Chordates are a group of animals which include vertebrates (animals having a spinal column), so yes, birds are chordates.

Is a daffodil a vertebrate?

No - vertebrates are animals with a vertebral column. A daffodil is not an animal, much less one with a vertebral column..

What is the Only 5 percent of animals have?

Vertebral column

What is a chordate and what do all chordates have in common?

Chordates are that group of animals having some form of a spinal column (which include the vertebrates).

What is an invertebrate chordate?

Chordates are animals that have a fluid filled body cavity with a complete peritoneum and there are two kinds Vertebrate and Invertebrate. Vertebrate Chordates have internal skeleton with a vertebral column. Invertebrate Chordates are a marine animal that lacks a vertebral column and are thought to have evolved from an extinct group of hemichordates. An example of a Invertebrate Chordates would be the Cephalochordata.

What class do hagfishes belong to?

They belong to Phylum Chordata but are Invertebrate Chordates. Hagfish are very primitive. They have have only a partial skull and no vertebral column. They have no jaw or scales.

What is the vertebral column to the skull?

The vertebral column is inferior to the skull.