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Studies have inticated that Great White Sharks have some things in common with human serial killers.

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Q: What animals hunting strategies to that of human serial killers?
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What is the relationship between serial killers and torturing animals?

The relationship between a serial killer and torturing animals is the fact that serial killers kill people for know apparant reason which is also the case with people torturing animals for no reason at all.

How can you get a job hunting serial killers?

You may want to join the FBI (very competitive field)

What do all serial killers have in common?

They start off with torturing animals

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Rest stops are natures hunting ground for serial killers.

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Japan gave the serial killers hitory with 12 serial killers to date.

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There is no patron saint of serial killers.

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Yes, most serial killers are male.

How many serial killers are there in Coweta?

I could find no serial killers from Coweta, KY.

What are most serial killers like?

Most serial killers are white and the US is has the most of them.

Do most serial killers start by killing animals?

Violent acts toward animals have long been recognized as indicators of a violent psychopathology that does not confine itself to animals. This doesn't mean serial killers start that way. Jefrey Dahmer was a animal lover. Some disected animals were found when he was a little kid but those animals were found dead by him before bleaching the bones.

What do you call a serial killer that kills serial killers?

Well there is no special word for it they are just basically serial killers.

What percentage of serial killers are murdered in jail?

I think there are 4% of serial killers are murdered in jail