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Apart from accidentals that fall or are washed into caves, and rarely survive for long there, there are two categories.

1) Creatures like bats who roost, hibernate or nurse their young in caves but feed outside. Others find cave entrance areas pleasant shelter for safety or for habitat reasons.

2) Full cave-dwellers, living their entire lives underground, and generally unable to survive outside. Most are invertebrates but it includes some species of salamander and fish.

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Q: What animals live in limestone caves?
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How are limestone caves and sea caves alike?

They are both caves

What rock is eroded to form caves?

Mainly limestone.

In what type of rocks do caves form?

Caves usually and mostly forms in sedimentary rocks. Example, Limestone.

When limestone dissolves what happenns to the dissolved material?

it forms caves

Why do caves only form a certain type of rock?

Caves are formed by rainwater dissolving away limestone or sandstone.

Related questions

How lime- stones caves formed?

Limestone caves are formed through a process called chemical weathering. Rainwater, which is slightly acidic, dissolves the limestone rock over time, creating small cracks. These cracks then widen as more water flows through, eventually forming caves. Additionally, some limestone caves are formed through the erosion of underground rivers.

How and where do you get limestone from?

Limestone Caves e.g The Marble Arch Caves in Northern Ireland(Fermanagh)

What is the purpose of caves?

Caves serve as natural shelters for animals and humans, provide habitats for unique species, and offer opportunities for scientific research and recreation such as spelunking and cave diving. They also play a role in important geological processes such as groundwater storage and erosion.

How are limestone caves and sea caves alike?

They are both caves

Are limestone in caves?

Other way round! Water and/or air are in caves.:-) Most of the world's caves have formed / are forming in limestone.

How does a acid cave form?

Limestone is the rock that is in Caves. When carbonate acid is reacted to the limestone in the caves, it will corrode forming strange caves landforms.

How does limestone caves are formed?

Limestone caves are formed through a process called karstification, where rainwater picks up carbon dioxide from the air and soil, creating a weak carbonic acid. This acidic water dissolves the limestone rock over time, creating underground cavities and passages. As the water drains away, it leaves behind caves and unique formations such as stalactites and stalagmites.

Where can limestone caves befound?

generally, in limestone uplands, where the limestone is sufficiently massive to hold caves, and particularly but not exclusively where the local surface drainage can concentrate rainwater into discreet streams than can then form sink caves when they flow onto the limestone.

Naracoorte caves fossils. are they extinict or evolved?

Both! The fossils within limestone holding caves are of long-extinct animals, but they had still evolved to the species preserved as fossils.

Why are there so many caves in limestone rock?

Limestone is a type of rock that is easily eroded by water, which can create caves over time. Water dissolves the limestone rock to form caves through a process known as chemical weathering. Additionally, limestone can also be carved out by underground rivers or other natural forces, resulting in the formation of caves.

What animals do caves have?

Animals which live in caves for all or much of their lives include blind fish, a type of arachnid called a harvestman, and crickets. Animals which live in caves seasonally or temporarily, or which shelter in caves include bats, snakes, lizards, bears, mice, rats, and humans.

Is there limestone in Missouri?

Yes Missouri is famous for its limestone caves.