

What animals migrate?

Updated: 4/27/2022
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10y ago

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Most birds migrate, such as geese and sand pipers, and also lots of mammals that live on the African Savannah migrate, such as buffalo. The longest migration is made by whales. But the heaviest migration, in other words, the highest amount of animals migrating at one time, is at dawn and dusk, when all the animals that live in the deep ocean swim upward at night to seek better food. They then retreat in the day when they find themselves in greater risk of predators.

Groups of migrating animals:

Birds, mammals, reptiles, fish and insects

Species that migrate:

geese, sand pipers, buffalo, caribou,moose, American Goldfinch, Arctic Tern, Eastern Meadowlark, Evening Grosbeak, Flickers, Flycatchers, Garden Warbler, Green Sea Turtle, Hudsonian Gotwit, Hummingbird, Humpback Whale, Loons, monarch butterfly, Red Knot, Robin, Ruddy Turnstone, Salmon, Short tailed Shearwater, Tanagers, Vireos, Wanderer Swan, Wilde Beast and Zebra

Some of these migrate short distances and some move thousands of miles.

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13y ago

Many animals migrates. The estivation factor corresponds to the birds when they fly north for the winter. The pheromone can supports the predator as a biological factor. The invertebrate can also be a benefactor to the Iguana as the organ system will help in migrate west.

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Animals that migrate?

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no there is so much athere animals that dont migrate

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animals migrate from distances is because they hide their food in different places that is why they migrate from distances

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well plenty of animals migrate like birds, they migrate to the south for winter. Bucks sometimes migrate when there is no food.

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People don't migrate. Animals migrate. So, there are no patterns between humans and animals.

How do animals migrate?

Animals migrate by instinct. They either walk, run or fly depending on their preferred mode of travel.

Why do animals migrate?

There are many reasons but most common are food availability, breeding, and climate suitability.animals migrate because they need food and they need to get away from predators,animals also migrate for warmer climates.animals migrate to have more room to have there babies.Animals migrate to find food, water, or safe nesting grounds. If animals don't migrate, then they won't be able to find shelter or food in a good climate. When food is scarce in winter or drought, animals migrate.