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Most mammals sweat (that is animals that have live young and suckle their mothers milk) However dogs are an exception. They pant instead and lose heat that way. I am not 100% sure on every other mammal and this is quite a generalisation however i think that is basically true. Hope this helps

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Q: What animals other than humans and horses sweat?
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What animals sweat like humans?

Primates (animals in the monkey and ape family) and horses

What animals have sweat glands?

Aside from humans, several others animals are able to sweat. These animals include horses and other primates like apes and monkeys.

What animals sweat the most?

Simply by virtue of its size my vote goes to the larger horses.

Why do animal open their tongue to stay cool?

What do we do when we are hot? We sweat. we are humans. Dogs and some other animals only have sweat glans on the bottom pads of their feet, and also sweat through their tongue.

Do any animals sweat?

Well dogs lose their sweat by panting but also cats and dogs sweat under the pad of the paws which is called sweat glands. And pigs lose their sweat by Rowling in mud. Well many hoofed animals sweat like horses sweat through the pores of their skin like us humans.

Does a horses sweat more when the horses get cold?


how does a horse regulate its body temperature?

Horses sweat - just like other mammals.

Which event describes how water cycle through living things?

Humans sweat in a tropical heat.

Why do humans sweat from armpits?

Well...humans sweat all over our skin. We respire sweat from our pores. Sweat from our armpits smell because of the bacteria wastes.

Why do humans and dogs sweat?

The main reason for sweating is thought to be cooling by releasing heat to the cooler air outside the body. Humans can sweat all over their bodies but dogs cannot. Dogs only "sweat" in the normal cooling way by releasing heat through their saliva by panting. The pads of their feet will also release a certain amount of "sweat" but it more of a natural response to stress to release scents that other dogs can smell and understand. That odor is the other reason for sweating. The odors released tell other animals about each other and are part of what naturally attracts or repels mates or enemies.

Which animal does not sweat?

Lots of animals with hair, or fur, do not sweat. Reptiles enjoy the heat, so most do not avoid it. Cats lick them selves to keep cool. Amphibians however are fragile to heat, so most dwell in water for the most part. dogs pant to get rid of INNER body heat. Rabbits lie on their bellies to get rid of OUTER heat.Their are only to MAMMALS that have ever been known to sweat. Humans. And hippos, witch have been known to sweat, but the sun changes its sweat, so it looks like blood!

How do horses survive summer?

Basically a similar way a human could. Often times domestic horses have fans in their stables. Wild horses and domestic horses need a lot of water. Sometimes owners will give their horses electrolytes to keep them hydrated. Just like humans horses are able to sweat to help maintain body temperature