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Q: What animals thrive in the Amazon rain forest?
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What three animals can you can find in the Amazon rain forest?


What do animals eat in the amazon rain forest?

You can eat tapirs

How do you describe the amazon rain forest?

Green with rivers and loads of animals.

Is the amazon rain forest the largest rain forest in the world?

Yes, the Amazon rain forest is the largest rain forest in the world

Which Poisonous animals in the Amazon rain forest?

some poisonous animals that live in the amazon rain forest could be certain types of snakes and some spiders like a turanchula,or some types of frogs and plants.

What causes the rain forest that surrounds the river to thrive?

The rain...

Which ecosystem contains the largest mammals?

Tropical rain forest because in tropical rain forests, it rains a lot which plants needs. So different varieties of plants grow there. Because of the plants, all kinds herbivores(plant eating animals) also thrive. Because of the herbivores, carnivores (animal eating animals) also thrive. Because of this, tropical rain forests have the highest biodiversity which is why there are more varieties in the amazon rain forest than there are anywhere else on the earth.

What are the wind patterns in the Amazon rain forest?

there is no wind in the amazon rain forest.

What rain forest does the Amazon River Basin contain?

the amazon rain forest

What and where is the worlds largest rain forest?

The Amazon is the largest rain forest in the world.

Why are the animals of the Amazon rain forest in danger?

Because people are cutting down their homes.

What level is the bamboo plant found at in the amazon rain forest?

in the under canopy, were the animals can get to it.