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Catholic AnswerI looked up the Rh bill here on WikiAnswers, if what they are saying is true, then there is no way any Catholic good, in conscience, support this bill. Section 17 says that employers MUST PROVIDE free ligation/vasectomy, condoms, pills, . . . and information on contraceptives otherwise they are put to jail or fined or both.

This is *extremely* problematic. All of the above "services" are considered mortal sins: i.e. practicing even one of them once completely deprives you of God's grace, and of the opportunity to go to heaven.

Among the elements included in the bill are "family planning information end services" and other questionable services. Refusal to perform voluntary ligation and vasectomy and other legal and medically-safe reproductive health care services on any person of legal age is prohibited! This is morally reprehensible and no Catholic could go along with this. Further, it provides for jail term or fine or both for any person "expressing an opinion against RH law if passed"! Again, can you see all the priests locked up for preaching sermons on abiding by the laws of Our Blessed Savior and His Church?


Answer from a Catholic (Catholics in union with the Pope)Many so-called reproductive health bills contain provisions for abortion. The Catholic Church believes that abortion is a serious offense against the sanctity of all human life, that the infant in the womb deserves the same rights and protections that we all enjoy, and therefore opposes legislative or administrative measures that promote this procedure.


AnswerIt would depend on which church you are referring to. Not all churches may be against it.
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Q: What answer does the Church provide in the Rh bill and why is the Church against it?
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Are you favor of rh bill?

no.......i'm not favor in rh bill because it is against in law of church!!

Are you in favor in rh bill?

no.......i'm not favor in rh bill because it is against in law of church!!

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no.because it is against the law of the church.

Why are catholic church against to rh bill?

The Catholic Church is against the RH bill because it promotes the use of artificial contraception, which goes against the church's teachings on the sanctity of life and the importance of natural family planning methods. The church advocates for the protection of life from conception, and believes that artificial contraception interferes with this principle.

What are some problems in the church regarding the rh bill?

Some of the problems the church sees in relation to the Reproductive Health (RH) Bill include concerns about moral implications, such as the promotion of contraception, which goes against Catholic teachings on procreation. The church also raises issues about the potential impact on family values and the sanctity of life that they believe could be undermined by the bill. Additionally, there are concerns about the separation of church and state, as the church believes that the bill may infringe on religious freedom by compelling institutions to provide services or information that conflict with their beliefs.

Are you a Good Catholic if you believe in Rh bill?

The Catholic Church has come out completely opposed to the Rh bill as nearly every one of its provisions is 180 degrees from what the Catholic Church believes and preaches. To be a good Catholic you must educate yourself on what the Church teaches, believe it, and live by it.

Are you in favor of rh law?

No, i don't agree in it , because RH bill is unconstitutional and will direct scarce resources to national spending on artificial contraceptives that will be harmful to women and the family in the long term. What it proposes are band-aid or stop-gap measures, supposedly to help alleviate poverty when the better solution should be to provide education and employment opportunities to the people. The only one who will benefit should the RH bill be passed are its proponents. Pushing for contraception on a national level by government officials could very well lead to corruption.

Why is it some married couple against RH bill here in Philippines?

It depends on the people.

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what is the importance of RH bill as a students

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the benefits of rh bill was the protect the people

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slogan about the rh bill ?

What is the Full text of the RH bill?

the full text of RH bill is reproductive of health