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Q: What answer should you give to a friend?
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What should you give your friend?

Depends on the friend and what he/she might need

What carnation should you give your friend?

If you are only friends, give a white carnation.

What amount of trust one should give to his friend?

The same trust you want to get from your friend.

How can you get your car back from your friend?

Ask him/her, if they don't give it back then they are not your friend and you should call the authorities.

What should a friend do for her 16th Party?

give her a party that she will remember

How much money should you give a friend for her bat mitzva?

close friend = $100 friend/classmate $30-$50

What should you give a female friend when she feels down because she lost her best friend?

There is no drug. Just be there for her.

Should you give your new number to your ex-girlfriend?

If you want to be her friend after a breakup then you must give it to her .

Should you tell a friend who you love?

Only if you give them cookies first.

How do you handle a friend that doesn't give?

you should ask her why she does that,maybe she a reason?

What to do when your best friend is getting annoyed by you?

You should give them some space.

Should you give flowers and a gift for a birthday?

Depends on who's birthday it is... if its a good friend or family definitely give a gift. Giving flowers to a friend is fine to.