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Q: What anti biotic do you take for a lower UTI?
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Can azitrhomycin traet UTI?

Yes , doxycycline , azithromycin and diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill are the pills that you can take to treat UTI . They can kill the bacteria and diminish the inflammation of the urethra .

What are the differences between the upper and lower uti?

Lower UTI refers to urethra, bladder, and prostate in males Upper UTI refers to kidneys (pyelonephritis- infection of the kidney)

What are the chief differences between an upper and lower UTI?

Lower UTI refers to urethra, bladder, and prostate in males Upper UTI refers to kidneys (pyelonephritis- infection of the kidney)

An example of an upper UTI?

Kidney infection is an example of an upper UTI. Lower UTIs include the urethra and bladder.

What is meant by lower UTI?

Urinary track infection e.g. a bladder infection. You should drink plenty of water to flush out bacteria and take all the prescribed antibiotic.

What is the Medical use of disodium hydrogen citrate?

It is a systemic alkaliser which relieves the discomfort of cystitis caused by lower UTI It is a systemic alkaliser which relieves the discomfort of cystitis caused by lower UTI

What is the CNA care plan for a patient with UTI?

how to take care a person with uti

Will the UTI over the counter test for humans work on my dog?

A UTI in a dog is not the same as a UTI in humans. If you suspect a UTI take your Dog to the Vet today. UTI's in Dogs can result in some nasty things and the infection could spread to the uterus or even kidneys when its been going on for a few days. When you suspect your dog is ill don't wait - Take to the Vet.

How can you treat uti?

UTI is commonly treated with antibiotics since it's usually caused by bacterial infections. Cranberry juice can also be used as home remedy for treating this infection. However, it may be ineffective in some people with uti. New herbal medicine called diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill is proven to have good therapeutic effect in curing uti.

I am pregnant what would cause dull pain in lower right side?

UTI and/or not drinking enough of water.

What antibiotic used for UTI?

The most common medicine in uti is the antibiotic. and it can treat the uti soon. but it is easy to recur. and some people always use the herbal medicine to deal with this problem and it works well. Diuretic anti-inflammatory pills can be a better choice for the patient with uti. and it is worth a short.

Can a severe UTI effect the results of pregnancy test?

Sometimes. So if you really think ur pregnant then wait until the UTI is out of your sysytem and take a test.