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Do not eat that!

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Q: What anti drug lesson might also be something a daddy fish would say to his son?
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What are the advantages of photocopying?

your advantages would be for photocopying that it would copy paper that you would want to help out in to the class for there lesson or something.

As a youth what would be our lesson in rizal's novel?

The lesson is to make a proper standard of every person. They must look a person as something equal in the eyes of the society.

How would you translate Fikr Angez in English?

an article or some writing which you ponder and think that it is something to learn a lesson from.

What is the theme for the story Cinderella?

if by theme you mean lesson learned then I think the answer would be chase your dream or something like that.

What is this the example of And though her daddy would scream and shout?

And though her daddy would scream and shout,

Who would win big daddy or big sister?

Big daddy would win before you know it.

Can i say what time is your lesson instead of at what time is your lesson?

Yes, in fact it would be better to say, "What time is your lesson?" "At what time is your lesson?" makes the speaker sound stuffy and the usage is too formal for conversation. A lawyer examining a witness in court might say, "At what time..." because a court of law is a formal situation.

How would you convince your teacher on not giving the class homework?

Mainly distract them at the end of the lesson just talk about something really of topic but make sure its not the lesson before break or lunch because they can keep you in.

How do you spell daddy?

The short forms of father are spelled dad and daddy.

Did Selena Gomez ever get punished when she was a child and if so what would happen?

She might get punished for taking drugs. And get grounded and a spanking by her mommy and daddy. She would cry and cry and cry! I would be sad.

Would you put an apostrophe in daddy's?

The word daddy is a common singular noun. It requires no apostrophe.My daddy bought a car.If the word daddy has a possession or belonging, it needs an apostrophe.My daddy's car was stolen.The red vehicle was not my daddy's car.

Why does daddy drink?

As a human being, 'Daddy' relies on the regular consumption of fluids to survive. If 'Daddy' stopped drinking, he would die of dehydration and you would never be able to see him again.