

Best Answer
a. to keep or abstain from.
b. to hold oneself back; to resist the temptation.
c. to show patience or tolerance in spite of provocation.

Antonyms: aid, assist, continue, engage, indulge, involve, join in, partake, participate, take part, use
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Q: What antonym is a verb of forbear?
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What is noun and adjective of forbear?

The noun forms of the verb forbear are forbearer, forbearance, and the gerund, forbearing. The adjective forms of the verb forbear are the present participle, forbearing, and the past participle, forborne.

What is the antonym of burrow?

The antonym for the noun burrow (animal den or shelter) is not a burrow, no burrow. The antonym for verb burrow (to drill or dig a hole) is to fill or to fill in. The antonym for the verb burrow (to hide or to cover) is expose, reveal, uncover. The antonym for the verb burrow (to cuddle or to hold) is push away.

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What is an antonym of crowd?

dispersal, scattering

What is an antonym for preposition?

The antonym for the verb pre-position would be post-position. The part of speech "preposition" does not have an antonym.

Is betray an antonym or a synonym?

Neither it is a verb.

What are antonyms of brooded?

To not worry over (Verb Use antonym) Child (Noun Use Antonym)

What is opposite of exited?

it depends on the use of the word exit as it is both a noun and a verb. For the verb exit the antonym is enter, and for the noun exit the antonym is entrance.

Use forbear in a sentence?

I will forbear being disruptive in class, as i know it gets me in trouble.

Is amused an antonym?

To amuse is a transitive verb. (To cause to laugh or smile by giving pleasure: I was not amused by his jokes.) However, it can be an antonym. (for example, an antonym of boring....)

What is forbear its right to accelerate?

To forbear the right to accelarate would be to decilne going further in simple terms. This means that the client would not pursue the case and forbear their right.

What is an antonym for the word compile?

The noun forms for the verb to compile are compiler, compilation, and the gerund, compiling.