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Vincent Hilpert

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Q: What approach is waged by small independent cell that require little or no popular support?
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Approach is waged by small independent cells that require little or no popular support?


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What is waged by small independent cells that require little or no popular support?


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Independent on the FAFSA if you are pregnant?

Being pregnant does not necessarily mean you are independent. There are other factors involved, to include age, living at home, support issues etc. The best thing to do is to contact the financial aid office at the school you will be attending, and ask one of the support staff. They will ask you questions that will be particular to your own personal circumstances and give you the appropriate approach to filling out the fafsa.

Why can't dependent clauses stand on its own?

Dependent clauses lack complete meaning and rely on an independent clause to form a complete sentence. They either function as an adjective, adverb, or noun, and therefore require the support of an independent clause to provide context and clarity.

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Which side was the civil war most effective on?

The Civil war was most effective on the side of the Independent States under Abraham Lincoln.The other side didnot suffer so many losses as the independent states,but lost at the ens due to lack of proper troops,supplies,discipline and most important-THE POPULAR SUPPORT (support from the common man)

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Pardoning Richard Nixon cost Gerald Ford popular support.

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Steps in a geometric proof do not require support

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popular support of the people