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Q: What are 2 countries that uses direct democracy?
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Why doesnt the US have a direct democracy?

A definition of a direct democracy is 2 wolves and a sheep voting on what to eat for dinner.

What are the three forms of democracy?

The three forms of democracy are direct democracy, representative democracy, and parliamentary democracy. In direct democracy, citizens directly participate in decision-making. In representative democracy, citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf. In parliamentary democracy, the executive branch is accountable to the legislature.

What country has a direct democracy?

Answer 1As far as I know and although it has been heavily argued, Switzerland is the only country practicing direct democracy at almost all levels of decision making and officials' election. Many countries in the world will use direct democracy but in most cases that is restricted to referendums, at the contrary of Switzerland where any citizen or group of citizens may challenge any law at any time, provided they can gather a certain number of signatures.Answer 2The country with (an almost perfect) direct democracy is Switzerland (5 million voters), the voters decide on national referendums and initiatives 2-4 times a year.In the USA (the federal government is an example of an indirect democracy) the State of California (20 million voters) is an example of direct democracy another example are the town meetings in some of the New England States (e.g. Vermont) which are held about once a year to decide local issues.Answer 3Ancient Athens, any country that uses referendums practices direct democracy

In what countries did democracy fail during the World War 2 and how did that happen?

what countries had world war 2 in democry

Name 2 countries which have indirect democracy?

India USA Canada UK and many more Virtually all modern Democracies are really representative republican democracies. Modern society is too complex and large to allow for direct democracy on any size about a city-state (that is, a few 10s of thousands of people, and even that's pushing it - a few thousand is generally the maximum effective direct democracy size).

What are tha types of democracy?

There are two types of democracies : 1 representative 2 direct

How long does a leader remain in power in direct democracy?

6 years

What kind of government did each of the countries involved in World War 2 have?

Democracy, monarch, dictatorship, Communist

Flight time from Lebanon to Malta?

there aren't any direct flights between these 2 countries

What an example of a coutry that used a direct damocracy is?

The country with (an almost perfect) direct democracy is Switzerland (5 million voters), the voters decide on national referendums and initiatives 2-4 times a year.In the USA (the federal government is an example of an indirect democracy) the State of California (20 million voters) is an example of direct democracy another example are the town meetings in some of the New England States (e.g. Vermont) which are held about once a year to decide local issues.

Was World War 2 about democracy vs fascsm?

The National Socialist Party, like all socialist parties was elected but for those countries being taken over there was no hope of democracy, no hope of freedom, only fascist rule. It was about democracy vs fascism.

5 countries with democracy governments?

1. Russia 2. India 3.Israel 4.Canada 5. Germany