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Q: What are 2 examples of how the Chinese workers were discriminated against?
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What are some examples of the prejudice Chinese workers faced as they built the railroad?

The immigrants were jealous of the Chinese workers

In what ways were women in the workforce discriminated against?

Paying them less money than male workers

Why did some Chinese open their own business?

After working as laborers on farms and on the railroads during the 1800s, many of the Chinese found themselves discriminated against as workers both by the government and employers. It was easier to start a truck farm, grocery store or laundry business to keep afloat.

Caused anti-Chinese violence and restrictions against Chinese immigration?

white workers resentment of chinese labor competition

How can cultral patterns be discriminated against?

Employers can refuse to hire, promote, or retain workers whose cultural habits violate laws, regulations, or employer policies.

What was the purpose of the Chicano movements?

The purpose of the chicano movement was for undocumented workers,students and people to have equal rights and for latinos not to be discriminated

How did the CPR employment practices discriminate against the Chinese workers?

this piece of sh!t is useless

What were the failures of American Federation Of Labor?

The American Federation of Labor (AFL) is longest standing federation of labor units in the United States. Despite its prestige, the AFL has had its fair share of upsets. For example, the Federation extolled the values of equality, yet discriminated against black workers in the late nineteenth century. The AFL also lobbied Congress to reinstate the Chinese Exclusion Act, discouraging consumers to purchase cigars rolled by Chinese workers, and approached the treatment of women workers much in the same way as black workers, perpetuating the long-standing attitudes of both racism and sexism.

Who was discriminated in Esperanza Rising?

marta was descriminateing esperanza and the rail road workers were descriminating miguel.

How were aboriginal people treated on the goldfields?

The Chinese were treated very badly on the Australian goldfields. They were discriminated against for their strange appearance to the Europeans, e.g., Chinese men wore a long plait, known as a queue, which was considered strange and feminine by the European workers. They were also discriminated against because the Chinese were remarkably efficient at finding the gold. In some circumstances after the Europeans left a claim because they could no longer find any gold, the Chinese would repan through the used creek and more than often find left over gold. The Chinese would also go through the discarded mullock heaps, and invariably find more gold. They were hardworking, persistent people, and this angered the European workers. On some occasions, they were driven out by forceful riots, such as those that took ace in Lambing Flat, New South Wales. In these riots, the Chinese had their possessions pounded, and the men were often scalped to remove their queue. The authorities maintained their right to dig and they were often allowed to return, but often these same authorities turned a blind eye to the terrible atrocities being perpetrated upon the Chinese.

What do Chinese workers use coal for?

The Chinese workers use coal for making magnets or somthing else...

What was the purpose of the Chinese exclusions Act?

It stopped Immigration by Chinese workers and miners for 10 years