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Q: What are 2 sacred writings of Christianity?
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The two sacred writings of India are Vedas and puranas.

What is Christianity sacred sites?

The sacred sites of Christianity is basically the church.

Is there a sacred word or saying for christianity?

No, there is no sacred word or saying for Christianity. Some denominations have chosen sacred words or sayings but those belong only to those denominations and do not transcend to the rest of Christianity. The closest Christianity has to having a sacred word is a sacred respect for the names of God but even in this, Christianity does not demand a death penalty when someone violates that sacred respect.

Summary of Bible or the sacred writings?

There is not enough room to write a summary of all sacred writings. I suggest you try a search engine for sites devoted to each sacred writing.

What are the sacred writings that are important to pentecostal?

The bible!

What teachings from their sacred writings cause people to behave in the Christianity?

St. John 5 : 19-29 Read ; (to attain faith and to lay hands unto eternal life)

Key writings of Christianity?

the Bible

What are the sacred writings that are important to Jehovah's Witnesses?

The Bible.

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How are the sacred writings of the seven day Adventist interpreted?

the sacred writing is called the BIBLE all other writings and belief's must!! harmonize with the BIBLE no matter who the author is!

What are some of the famous writings of Christianity?

The writings of the Church Fathers, The writings of St. Thomas Aquinas, The writings of CS Lewis, The writings of Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

What are the holy writings of Catholicisim?

Unlike Judaism, Islam, and Protestantism, Christianity is not a religion "of the book", in other words, it is NOT based on holy writings. Christianity is based on the revelation of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, Our Blessed Lord, to His apostles, who were the founders of His Church, the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church, thus, holds the fullness of revelation, she has received this through Sacred Tradition, which is based on the Tradition which has been handed down to us from the Apostles. Part of this Sacred Tradition was committed to writing in the New Testament, as a kind of preaching, and everything contained in the New Testament is infallible, but the entire of Sacred Tradition is what forms Christianity (Catholicism). The "holy writing" if you will would be the Sacred Scriptures, but they are NOT "holy writing" as viewed by all those other religions.