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Q: What are 2 ways Athens women are treated unfairly?
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They both tcan ok over lands, people, treated them unfairly, and faced revolts by captured people.

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Discrimination is usually when someone has been unfairly treated based on prejudice. These prejudices tend to be do to race, religion, income, and other ways of life.

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the women were important in many ways one is that they treated the wounded. hi Gary

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In both the Islamic and Byzantine world, women are or were treated in several ways. They were revered for their ability to create life, subjected to punishment for their inability to remain silent regarding family values, and suppressed in their intellectual pursuits.

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"some of these ancestors were also unfair in some ways." "Early ancestors of Native Americans and African Americans have been treated unfairly." "Caucasians have been unfair to African American ancestors in the past."

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Men can do things without being treated in a sexual manner because the belief that women are weaker and should act only in certain ways is still deeply ingrained in society.

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Women in today's workplace in the United States still has a ways to go before it can be said that they are treated fairly. Despite high profile examples that attempt to show that men and women are treated in the same manner, such examples can be misleading. Two major hurdles must be addressed: * sexual harassment; and * no equal pay for the same job between men and women.

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Feminists should focus on creating a world of equality for all genders. By looking at the ways in which women are currently treated in society, feminists strive to improve the lives of women and provide greater opportunities for them.

What 2 ways are Athens and Sparta similar?

both had slaves

Technically why were indigenous Australians treated unfairly?

Aborigines of Australia had no rights. Maoris of New Zealand had the right to own land.

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A sexist society is one in which individuals are discriminated against or treated unfairly based on their gender. This discrimination can manifest in various ways, including unequal opportunities, stereotypes, and prejudices against individuals because of their gender.

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In how many ways can fourfour women be selected from the eighteight ​women