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pandas golden monkeys (sorry this is only 2 animals)

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Q: What are 3 different Chinese animals?
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Another Chinese animals except for panda?

The Red Panda, a very different animal.

What animals and plants did the Chinese emperor Wudi have in his park?

Chinese Emperor Wudi had to many things in his garden to list. But I know that he had about 12 different types of trees in his park. He had many exotic animals and plants in his garden. He had about 73 different types of things in his garden.

Why do they use animals for each year?

I think they use animals for different years because animals are sacred to some parts of the world, For instance - This year (2011) Is the Chinese year of the rabbit and to the Chinese the rabbit symbolises a person who Inspires adoration or hatred and some other things..;]

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3 animals from Oceania are 1. Kangaroos 2. Kiwis 3. Tasmanian Devils

What does Cietleen means in Chinese astrology?

I think you meant Qilin,or 麒麟 in Chinese. It is an holy animal that exist only in myths. You can read Wiki's article for more information. Qilin,however,has little to do with Chinese astrology.Though some says it represents Dragon in Chinese astrology.But one must note that they are quite different animals (myth animals).

What is the Chinese year based on?

The Chinese year is based on Animals

What did the Chinese base their calendar on?

A Chinese calendar is a lunisolar calendar, so based on the moon and the sun's year. It is also based on a 12 year cycle using 12 different animals.

How was the order of the animals chosen for the Chinese zodiac chart?

The order of the Chinese Zodiac Chart was determined by the order of each animal in a race set up by the 6th century Emperor, named Jade. Jade held the race to set up a calendar system made up of different animals on earth.

What animals are found on a Chinese zodiac calendar?

Animals that are found on the Chinese zodiac calender include: rats, tigers, rabbits, dragons and many others. Each animal represents a certain trait of characteristics for people born between different months and dates.

How did the Chinese zodiac animals originate?

Chinese scientists still don't know how zodiac animals originated. It's a mystery.

What do Chinese qilin symbolize for the Chinese?

Qilin is made up of the advantages of different animals. It stands for outstanding people. Sometimes antient Chinese thought it can send them children. It symbolize for so many things that I can explain all clrearlt to u.

What are the animals on the Chinese calendar for the year 1994?

1994 was the Chinese Year of the Dog.