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Monk seal

Fur seal

Grey Seal

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Q: What are 3 different species os seals?
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1-3 a year Weddell seals can have 1 -2 pups, as this species can give birth to twin pups.

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What are 3 ways that a species may form?

They can be formed by evolution: A species can't survive in it's environment so it evolves into a more adapted species Two different species can mate: A new species can appear from the offspring of two different species.

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Ray Seals is 6' 3".

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There are many things that make an OS (operating System) unique. There are 3 Main Components that make an OS unique.PerformanceVersionSoftwareAs you see there is a big difference between Mac and windows. they have different appearances and themes, deluxe software and branding.

What are the 3 different types of meerkats?

Meerkats, otherwise called suricates, are types of mongoose. They belong to the Order Carnivora along with cats, dogs, hyaenas, badgers, seals and binturongs. The binomial/Latin name of the Meerkat is Suricata suricatta

How many spieces are there in Antarctica?

There are around 3 - 4 different species in Antarctica.

What are different facts about seals?

Well...There are 33 species of seal world-wide, two of which live around Britain.Scotland is an important breeding area for grey seals.The grey seal population is estimated to be increasing by seven per cent a year.Neither grey seals nor common seals are an endangered species.Grey seals are larger than common seals, and have a distinctive profile.Unlike whales and dolphins, seals give birth on land.Seals are insulated from the cold by a thick layer of blubber.Grey seals mate on land, but common seals usually mate in water.Seals have sensitive whiskers that help them to detect prey in murky waters.As soon as a pup is born, its mother forms a bond with it by smelling and calling to it.Grey seals have been known to live for 46 years.Some seal species have been hunted almost to extinction in some parts of the world.In 1988 phocine distemper virus killed about 33 per cent of all common seals in the North Sea.Oil spills are thought to cause breathing problems in seals, as well as damage to ears, nose and throat.Seals are wild animals if approached too closely they will bite.Hope this helped!Diana

How long do seals stay with their mum?

seals stay with there mum for 3 months

There are more than 3 different kinds of animals.?

Yes, it is estimated that there are over 2 million different species of animal.

How many species of lizards are kept as pets?

There are many many many different lizads kept as pets. I have 3 different species alone. In the US alone an estimate of 75 and probably more.