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Q: What are 3 materials mediums light can travel through?
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What are mediums that light waves can travel through?


Speed of light travels at minimum?

In general, light propagates at c, the speed of light (that is, 299,792,458m/s), however when travelling through a medium such as an optical fibre, this will decrease, but will still travel at a constant speed dependent upon values such as the materials permittivity and permeability. Light travels easiest through insulating mediums, and cannot travel far through conductors.

What is a material that light can't travel through?

light cant travel through opague materials, or anything you cant see through.

What are mediums for light waves?

Light is considered a self-propagating wave. So it does not need a medium, which is why it reaches the earth from the sun. The mediums which dont absorb the light (and therefore allow light to travel through it) depend on the wave length of light. For example a gamma ray (has a very short wavelength) can travel through metal and takes a block of lead to absorb it.

Do Light Waves Require Mediums?

Light waves can travel through empty space. You might say that the empty space is the medium in this case.

What does not let light through?

There are many materials that light can not travel through which are called opaque objects.

Materials through which light can travel in straight lines are?


Does light travel at different speeds through different materials?


How are light and sound waves different in terms of speed type of wave and mediums?

Light waves travel at approx 300,000 kilometres per second, sound at approx 0.343 kilometres/second.Light waves can travel in vacuum or through some media (there is no such word as mediums!). Sound waves cannot travel through vacuum: they needs a physical medium.

How does light travel in various mediums?

Along a geodesic curve.

What materials can light travel through faster than it travels through air?

Light travels fastest through space which has no air. Space is a vacuum which is the fastest way for light to travel.

What will light not travel through?

A material through which light (or a certain color of light) won't pass through is said to be OPAQUE for light (or for that color of light). Most materials around us are opaque for visible light; only a few materials, such as air and other gases, water, and glass, are transparent, meaning they do let light through.