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Q: What are 3 or more cities that existed when the Scientific Revolution began around 1500?
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Identify three or more cities on the map that existed when the scientific revolution began around 1500?

Some cities that existed during the scientific revolution include: Florence, Italy - known for its thriving cultural and intellectual environment during the Renaissance. Paris, France - a center of learning with institutions like the University of Paris. London, England - home to the Royal Society, a pivotal institution in the development of scientific thought. Nuremberg, Germany - known for its printing and publishing industry that disseminated scientific knowledge.

How did the industrialization revolution affect cities?

The Industrial Revolution affected the population and growth of cities. It also brought about pollution and overcrowding due to the factories being built around a central source of energy.

About what time BC were the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed?

Scholars say the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah never existed. If the cities never existed they were never really destroyed, so there is no date of their destruction.

Which continent has no permanent cities and is used for scientific studies?

Antarctica has no permanent cities and is used for scientific studies.

What are some characteristics of cities during the Industrial Revolution?

During the Industrial Revolution, cities began to use more machinery and factories started booming. Mass production was beginning, and many people sought for jobs in factories due to the mass openings of jobs. Cities grew massively, and dominated around factories.

In what century is A Tales of Two Cities set?

"A Tale of Two Cities" is set in the 18th century, specifically during the years leading up to and during the French Revolution.

Why Compare A Tale of Two Cities with the french revolution?

A Tale of Two cities is set in the French Revolution. The two cities are London and Paris, and the action of the plot takes place in the 1790s.

What is about A Tale of Two Cities?

about french revolution

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poor sanitation and health problemsWhich of the following was not an issue in big cities during the Industrial Revolution?

Cities conditions during the Industrial Revolution could best be described as?

Many cities during the Industrial Revolution were overcrowded and unsanitary. The Industrial Revolution began in 1760. In terms of employment, textiles were the main industry.

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