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13h ago
  1. Sugar is composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms arranged in a specific molecular structure.
  2. Sugar has a defined chemical formula (e.g., sucrose is C12H22O11) that indicates the types and ratios of atoms present.
  3. Sugar exhibits specific physical and chemical properties, such as solubility in water and ability to undergo chemical reactions like caramelization or fermentation.
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Q: What are 3 properties of sugar that make it compound?
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Physical properties of salt: White crystalline solid, high melting point, soluble in water. Physical properties of sugar: White crystalline solid, sweet taste, soluble in water. Chemical properties of salt: Reacts with acids to form salts, does not react with sugar, can conduct electricity when dissolved in water. Chemical properties of sugar: Undergoes caramelization when heated, reacts with acids to form acid hydrolysis products, does not conduct electricity when dissolved in water.

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It takes approximately 3 feet of sugar cane to make a teaspoon of sugar.

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make a cake and find outor the real answer:COMPOUND1. It is a pure substance.2. It can not be separated by physical method.3. Element loose their properties in a compound.4. Its composition is fixed through out its mass.5. It has fixed melting point.MIXTURE1. It is an impure substance.2. It can be separate by physical method.3. Substances forming mixture retain their properties.4. It has no fixed composition.5. It has no sharp melting point.This guiy is a liar!

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It takes 1/2 cup of sugar to make 3/4 pounds of fudge. If the recipe is for 1 pound of fudge, how much sugar is needed to make 6 times the recipe?

If it takes 1/2 cup of sugar to make 1 pound of fudge, then to make 6 pounds of fudge takes 3 cups of sugar.

What properties of matter can be used to distinguish between a cube of copper and a sugar cube?

The density and melting point of copper are significantly higher than those of sugar. Additionally, copper is a good conductor of electricity and has a metallic luster, while sugar is a non-conductor and dissolves in water. These properties can be used to distinguish between the two cubes.

How many sugar cubes make 1 tablespoon?

About 2 sugar cubes equal 1 tablespoon of sugar.

What are the elements that make up sugar?

Sugar (sucrose) = C6H12O6, so the 3 elements are carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.