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1. rainforest are important because they provide us with medicine for oue illnesses

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Q: What are 3 reason why rainforest are important?
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Why do rainforest matter?

Rainforest are important because it holds

Why is the rainforest is important?

The reason why the rainforest is important is because,Trees give us oxygen. The trees also take in carbon dioxide which we breathe OUTTrees help us to live but sadly people are destroying the rainforest to make cow meat (cattle ranching) and tables and others.

What is the most important rainforest in the world?

The Amazon rainforest is the largest rainforest and in my opinion the most important it is in Brazil

Why is it important that the source rivers have their origins in tropical rainforest?

Why is it important that the source rivers have their origins in tropical rainforest?

Why are tropical rainforest's important your your earth?

a tropical rainforest is a smelly place

How many volcanoes are there in the rainforest?

There is about 1-3 volcanoes in the rainforest

Why is the Amazon rainforest important to the medical field?

The Amazon Rainforest is important to the Medical Field because there are many plants in the rainforest that can cure illnesses, so scientists go looking for those plants.

Why is the rainforest so important to indiginous people?

THey have lived there and depend on the other living things in the rainforest.

Why part of the Earth is important?

the ocean and rainforest

Why are rainforest's important to the Eco system?


How many rainforest are there?

There are approximately 46,000 rainforest left.

Why are the rainforest birds endangered?

The primary reason that some rainforest birds are endangered is because their habitat is disappearing rapidly due to slash-and-burn farming and illegal and/or unsustainable logging. Some rainforest birds, like those who live in Hawaii, are endangered because introduced predators that they are not used to avoiding, like snakes and domestic cats, are hunting them very efficiently. However, it is important to note that not all rainforest birds are endangered.