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They look up information in books,journals, or in the internet. also they can ask experts.

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3d ago

Scientists use academic journals, books, and online databases as key sources of information when conducting research. These sources provide access to peer-reviewed studies, reference materials, and comprehensive datasets that are essential for scientific investigation.

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Q: What are 3 sources of information scientist use when they do research?
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Which method of making use of the information from your research sources involves changing a few words here and there in order to claim originality?

Paraphrasing involves rewording information from research sources while keeping the original meaning intact. This method allows you to present the information in your own words while giving credit to the original source.

When do you use sources of information?

Sources of information should be used whenever you need to support a claim, provide evidence for an argument, or verify a fact. They are essential for ensuring accuracy, credibility, and reliability in writing, research, and decision-making processes.

Which research method uses information that governments businesses and educational institutions have already made available for public use?

Secondary research method utilizes information that governments, businesses, and educational institutions have already made available for public use. This method involves analyzing existing data, reports, and sources to gather relevant information for a particular study or research project.

Once you've asked a question that you want to use as the basis of a research essay the next step is to it?

define your research objectives, gather relevant sources of information, and create a structured outline for your essay.

What are primary source of online information?

Primary sources of online information include official websites, academic journals, government publications, and reputable news sources. These sources provide original data, research, and analysis that have not been altered or interpreted by a third party. It is important to critically evaluate the credibility and reliability of the online sources you use.

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What is the main use of a source for a research paper?

it is research about your topic ___________ Sources provide information and evidence.

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What are three sources of information scientists use when they do research?

observation analyzation experementation

Once you've decided on a research question done some preliminary research online to put that question into context and gathered credible reliable sources of information from the library and elsewhe?

Look through your sources for information you can use

Once you've decided on a research question done some preliminary research online to put that question into context and gathered credible reliable sources of information from the library and elsewh?

Look through your sources for information you can use.

Which research sources will you use to start your research?

Generally it depends what type of information you are looking for. Searching best sources online is a tedious task given the amount of sources available. You need have an idea of which sources provide what type of information. is one place which I found useful in solving this specific problem.

What is the next step in the following sequence of the research essay writing process?

Look through your sources for information you can use

How do scientist use observational research and opinion based research?


When might a scientist use a model as a research method?

A scientist might use a model as a research method for a few reasons. This model could tell the scientist how something moves for example.

Is a set of procedures and sources managers use to obtain everyday information about developments in the marketing environment?

Marketing research system

What are types of Research Tools?

There are many research tools available. You can use primary sources, books, the Internet, articles, the library, interviews, and any other information that will help.

Who are the microscopist?

a scientist who specializes in research with the use of microscopes