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Hay, grass, grain and/or silage.

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Q: What are 3 types of feeds that are most beneficial to ruminants?
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The structure that feeds most plants is soil, so the nutrients from it.

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Different types of food are beneficial for different parts of the body. Complete proteins are most beneficial for muscle power and good brain function. Complex carbohydrates provide fuel for the brain and body and are needed most by the body.

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Swimming. Is the most complete beneficial exercise there is.

What is special about ruminants digestive system?

A ruminant's digestive tract has 4 sections to its stomach. Because the plant matter that most ruminants enjoy is hard to digest, ruminants have to regurgitate food to chew it again (e.i., "chewing the cud"). The four stomachs allow the hard-to-digest food to be digested many times.

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Ruminants (ie cows) have the most "stomachs." They actually have 1 stomach with 4 chambers.

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What herbivores live in the grasslands?

Most herbivores that live in a grassland are those that are ruminants (fore-gut fermenters), psuedo-ruminants, and hind-gut fermenters.Ruminants include:cattlebisonbuffaloyakantelopepronghorndeerwildebeestgoatssheepPsuedo-ruminants include:camelsalpacasllamasHind-gut fermenters (monogastric true herbivores) include:horsesponieszebrasburros/donkeysrabbitshares

Which food produces the most energy for a horse?

Feeds which produce the most energy for a horse are corn, oats, rice, maize, barley, milo, rice pollard, wheat pollard and compound feeds. Pre-mixed feeds and grains can be bought exactly for high energy release.

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Is a horse a foregut fermenter?

All ruminants (cows, sheep, goats, etc.) and kangaroos are foregut fermenters.