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Physical properties of metals:

1. good conductor of electricity

2.Conduct heat quickly

3.Can be formed into wires and pipes

4.very shiny and easily polished

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14y ago
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2d ago
  1. High electrical conductivity.
  2. High thermal conductivity.
  3. Malleability - ability to be hammered into thin sheets.
  4. Ductility - ability to be drawn into wires.
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11y ago

Lustrous, malleable, ductile and good conductors of heat and electricity

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13y ago

good conductors of electricity, malleable, ductile, and shiny(luster)

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9y ago

The 4 physical properties of metals are:

1. malleable

2. ductile

3. hard

4. sonorous

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Q: What are 4 physical properties for metals on the periodic table?
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