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composition, hardness, color, texture, etc

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Q: What are 4 ways to identify rocks?
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You can identify them by what IS the fossil. The 3 fossils are prints, coprolite, or smooth rocks corroded by gizzards.

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rocks usually deform due to wind and erosion depending upon the intensity to which they are effected.

What are two ways you could identify igneous rock?

When it has holes and small rocks inside the rock

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You can use the characteristics(color, luster, streak, hardness, cleavage, fracture, and crystal).

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texture,size,show,and colour

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Can rocks be identify by color alone?

Yes it can

How can one learn to identify rocks and minerals?

Learning to identify rocks can be difficult when you are first started. Once you get the hang of it though you will start to notice patterns and similarities that will help you to identify rocks and minerals. A good way to start is by purchasing a book about rocks and minerals as well as doing some research on the web.

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Absorbs the chemical agent Physically removed the chemical agent. Smitty rocks.