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Q: Do geologist use acids to identify rocks?
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Use geologist in a sentence?

A geologist has been called in to identify these rocks. I want to be a geologist.

How do you use geologist in a sentence?

The geologist studied the rocks from space. The geologist always stays busy by studying the different rocks.

What are the physical properties a geologist uses to help identify rocks and minerals?

Scientists use color, shape, size, smell, texture to identify a rock or mineral. The most important way is to see what are the elements and where it came from. Sometimes they even use taste

How might a geologist use acid in the field to identify carbonate rocks such as anhydrite and gypsum?

If you put cold dilute Hydrochloric acid on a carbonate rock the acid dissolves the rock and you get bubbles of carbon dioxide in the acid. This reaction will only happen with carbonate rocks.

Why can't geologist use the carbon-14 method to date igneous rocks?

Igneous rocks do not contain much carbon.

What do geologist use rocks for?

Because they want to see how damages are being caused on earth

Why may a geologist have to break a mineral sample to determine its true color?

Rocks are exposed to the elements and undergo weathering. This can cause the minerals that they are composed of and that are exposed at the surface to become discoloured which can make them hard to identify. A geologist will often use a geological hammer to crack the rock sample to see the fresh, unweathered minerals.

How would a geologist use the principle of superposition to determine the relative ages of the rocks in the grand canyon?

The correolation of how a scientist works it .

What are the physical characteristics use to identify of rocks?

Colour, structure and texture.

Can you use the word geologist in a sentence?

yes ; I am a geologist

What are standard solution?

You can use litmus paper to identify the acids and bases.

How to identify hydrochloric acid?

Use BromothymolBlue, an indicator that turns yellow in acids and blue in bases.