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Navigational instruments aid in determining the speed, position and direction of a sea craft. Examples of these devices are chip logs, parallel rules, sounding lines, dividers and nautical almanacs.

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Q: What are 5 items used to navigate ships through water?
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This is deep water so ships can sail through. Becouse ships need deep water to sail through places

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By sonic sounds.

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You must navigate through the water labrynth to get to his domain. there, you will get his all powerful trident

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Water locks allow ships to move from one level of water to another through canals.

Why are boats and ships streamlined?

The body of ships and boats are streamlined coz that they can experince minimum amount of Friction while moving through water

What is ships boiler?

Some older ships used the power of steam to propel them through the water. A boiler is used to heat water to make steam which is passed to a steam engine which turns the propeller. In ships like the Titanic the boiler was fuelled by coal but later steam ships used gas to heat the water.

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Why the age of exploration occurred?

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Why ships and boats are streamlined shape?

The body of ships and boats are streamlined coz that they can experince minimum amount of Friction while moving through water

Eight letter word for move through air or water?

All I can think of is amphibious -- but only ten letters.How about streamlined ?