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Q: What are 6 classes of bone based on their shapes and functions?
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People get their body shapes for different reasons. some get it based on what they eat and how much they eat and some just have it based on their bone structure or on their genetic make up.

What are the functions of red and yellow bone?

bone is white!

What is the shape of the chief cells of the bone?

The shape of the chief cells of a bone are in various shapes.

True or false Bone shapes are not a clue to tenderness in meats?

Bone shapes can be a clue as to the tenderness in some meats. Blade bones typically signify a tougher cut of meat. Generally, the larger the bone, the more tender the meat surrounding the bone will be.

What are the functions of public bone?


What are the two functions?

back bone and water

When your bone marrow stops its functions is it fatal?

if your bone marrow stops working is it fatal

What are the shapes of the bones in the human body?

Each bone has a different shape.

What is the functions of the irregular bone?

to help jointed people.

What are the functions of the hip bone?

The hip bone functions to provide support for the upper body when you are standing. The hip also plays an important role in the actions of walking and running.

What are the functions of the two type of bone tissue?

Two types of bone tissue are compact bone and spongy bone. Compact bone functions as the basic supporting tissue of the body. Spongy bone's function , meanwhile, is to make up most of the short, flat, and irregular bones in your body. It also makes up the ends of long bones.