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Q: What are 6 of giraffes predators?
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Are giraffes predators?

Giraffes are herbivores, they do not hunt. They are Prey.

What is the giraffes preditors?

The giraffes predators are the lion and the leopard

What is a giraffes enemy?

leopards and lions are basically the giraffes only predators.

How do giraffes defend there selves against predators?

Giraffes defend themselves against predators by kicking them swiftly while running and a well places kick can kill the predator

What are the predators of girraffes?

Lions hunt baby giraffes. Crocodiles often ambush even adult giraffes.

Are Giraffes predators of Asiatic Lions?

No Giraffes are herbivores and definitely don't hunt lions that don life in their region.

What preditors eat giraffe?

the giraffes predators are lions and leopards.

When do baby giraffes open their eyes?

Giraffes are born with their eyes open. They have to be up and running shortly after birth because of predators.

Do giraffes stay in groups?

Giraffes stay in groups because of the predators in the wild. If they wouldn't be in groups they would probably be instinct.

Do giraffe have predators?

yes the do normally baby Giraffes have lions to be afraid of

How does a giraffes adaptations helps it survive?

Girraffe's are tall, which means they can see predators from far.

What is a giraffes preditors?

Lions sometimes take down giraffes, they're the only predators strong enough to manage a full grown animal.