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The sentences tend to be more lenient, and the criminal record usually will not show up after you become an adult.

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Q: What are Advantages of being charged with a crime under 18?
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Not in the United States. First you have to be charged, which at that point, you obviously know you are being charged. Then, arraigned, where you plead and request bail, which at that point, they may put you under house arrest. But my point is, you have to be charged and then arraigned to be placed under house arrest, so there is no way you would not know of this.

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Yes, the expectation is that the crime would be dealt with under the laws of the country of origin of the astronauts. They could also be charged under Admiralty Law.

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No, not unless you are actually under arrest.

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As soon as they are placed under arrest.

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Yes, provided that the committed crime falls under your portfolio, you can be charged with complicity even if you do not have an idea of what was going on.

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If you fail the drug test, you will not be arrested. Being under the influence of drugs, alone, is not a crime. The crime is having possession of drugs, which a drug test, alone, does not prove. However, you will certainly not be hired for the job.

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Yes - members of the military are subject to BOTH systems of justice. It is NOT double jeapordy. One is a violation of civil law the other is a violation of military law.

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advantages and disadvantages of being 18?