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Sunspots are areas of gas on the sun that are cooler than the gases around them.

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Skylar Hagenes

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Q: What are Areas of gas On the sun That cooler Then the gases around them?
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What are the areas of cooler gases brought to the sun's surface through the convection zone?

As strange as it is to think of a body as hot as the sun having such a thing as a "cool" spot, it actually does! These areas are known as sunspots. Their number changes from year to year and they appear darker in color when studied by astronomers.

What is an area of gas on the sun that is cooler than other surrounding gases called?

The answer is chromosphere

A dark area of gas on the suns surface that is cooler than surrounding gases?

It is called a sunspot.

Are gas giants solid?

No, they are composed of gases. The air around you is also composed of gases, but the gas giants may not even have a rocky core.

Is a football a solid liquid or gas?

Gas. A soccer ball is filled with gas under pressure.

Which posinous gases were around millions of years ago?

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What is the gas that is all around us?

The gas all around us is simply referred to as "air". It is composed of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and 1% various other gases (water vapor, trace gases, etc.).

Are sunspots regions of cooler gas?

Sunspots are regions of cooler gas; however, they are still extremely hot.

What is the plural for gas?

Unless you are shortening gasoline, then no. Gasoline: "I put a lot of gas in my tank." Other: "Oxygen and helium are gases."

List of natural gases?

There are many natural gases. Some of these natural gases include shale gas, town gas, as well as crystalized natural gas.

What is cooler air pulled down by?

The density of a cool gas is lower compared with the density of a hot gas; consequently the cooler gas is pulled down.

What is the layer of gas that forms around the earth?

The layers of gases that form around earth is called atmosphere.