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Monsoon winds

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Q: What are Asias seasonal winds called?
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What are seasonal winds that bring large amounts of rainfall to Asias coastland?


What are seasonal winds in India called?

Seasonal winds in India are called the Monsoon winds. These winds bring heavy rainfall to the Indian subcontinent during the summer months, providing critical water supply for agriculture and other activities.

What are the seasonal winds in India called?

huva hava

How do seasonal winds affect climate?

seasonal winds affect climate

What is seasonal winds that affect th climate in Japanese?

They are called monsoons.

What are seasonal winds?

Seasonal winds are prevailing wind patterns that change direction in a predictable manner depending on the time of year. They are caused by temperature differences between land and sea, leading to the movement of air masses. Examples include the monsoon winds in South Asia and the trade winds in tropical regions.

What are intense seasonal winds that bring a lot of rain?

They are called monsoons.

What seasonal winds associated with warm temperatures and heavy rain?

It is called a MONSOON

What is seasonal winds?

winds that bring moist water to the air

What are the seasonal winds that carry moisture from the Indian Ocean to Southeast Asia?

seasonal winds that carry moisture from the Indian ocean to southeast Asia are called monsoon winds which tend to cause rains in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh due to strike back from Himalaya and korakaram ranges

What are seasonal shift in the winds of Asia?


6 What are the season winds that cause heavy downpours across India called?

The Seasonal winds that cause downpours and droughts are called monsoons, these are found in Southern Asia and can greatly affect the climate of the region.