

What is seasonal winds?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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12y ago

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winds that bring moist water to the air

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Q: What is seasonal winds?
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How do seasonal winds affect climate?

seasonal winds affect climate

What are seasonal winds?

Winds that blow only during certain seasons is known as seasonal or periodic winds.

What are Asias seasonal winds called?

Monsoon winds

What are seasonal winds in India called?

a monsoon.

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Monsoons occur during the season of what in India?

Monsoons are seasonal winds. Winters became dry and summers became wet.

What are some daily and seasonal winds?

Daily Winds include; Sea Breezes (onshore winds when land warms up). Katabatic winds (or 'land breeze' - the opposite - at night). Seasonal winds include Hurricanes, Tornado's and the 'El Ninjo' storms of the US pacific coast.

What are the seasonal winds in India called?

huva hava

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Which best characterize the rainfall pattern in India?

India has heavy seasonal rainfall brought by monsoon winds